Slovene 101 – Lesson # 1
Studying on Šmarna gora – that’s the way to do it
To my friends who’ve expressed a slightly masochistic yet commendable interest in learning the beautiful if not simple language spoken by the two million lucky individuals living on this tiny piece of Earth that nature has been so generous to. And a few more scattered around the world. You guys have my respect. You already know your basic Ps and Qs, so here’s your homework:
1 ena
2 dve (f, n) / dva (m)
3 tri
4 štiri
5 pet
6 šest
7 sedem
8 osem
9 devet
10 deset
11 enajst
12 dvanajst
13 trinajst
14 štirinajst
15 petnajst
16 šestnajst
17 sedemnajst
18 osemnajst
19 devetnajst
(=> najstnik = teenager M; najstnica = teenager F)
20 dvajset
21 enaindvajset (ena-in-dvajset)
22 dvaindvajset (dva-in-dvajset)
23 triindvajset
30 trideset (tri-deset)
31 enaintrideset (ena-in-trideset)
32 dvaintrideset (dva-in-trideset)
40 štirideset
50 petdeset
60 šestdeset
70 sedemdeset
80 osemdeset
90 devetdeset
100 sto
101 sto ena
102 sto dve (f, n), sto dva (m)
200 dvesto (dve-sto)
300 tristo
400 štiristo
1000 tisoč
1001 tisoč ena
1002 tisoč dve
543,678 petsto triinštirideset tisoč šeststo oseminsedemdeset
OK, the Ps and Qs just to keep them fresh in your memory
Prosim – please
Hvala – thank you
Dober dan – good day
Dobro jutro – good morning
Dober večer – good evening
Na svidenje – farewell (a formal bye-bye, e.g. leaving a shop)
Lahko noč – good night
Se vidiva kmalu = We (two) will see each other soon
Se vidimo kmalu = We (three-or-more) will see each other soon
A bonus one:
Še eno, prosim – (I’ll have) another one (f, n), please (e.g. “beer” or “drink”
class dismissed