Rebranding Slovenia
Slovenia: It’s S’Lovely
Found at another blog (source, thanks Adriaan): Condé Nast Traveler asked six designers to each rebrand a country of his or her choice for its September issue, and Paula Scher selected Slovenia for her effort.
“I’ve been to Slovenia twice and loved it. But most Americans don’t know what or where it is, which is something I wanted to address” says Scher. By highlighting Slovenia’s proximity to Italy, she made the country appear both physically accessible and “like it has great skiing and great food, which it in fact does.”
Although, as she commented in the article, “I don’t think countries should have logos. Logos are for corporations.”

While it may be difficult to shake off the feeling of being categorised as Italy’s appendix and the “love” bit of the word Slovenia has been used a zillion times in various similar solutions, do take a look at Paula’s other ideas at the source.
pengovsky said,
October 17, 2007 @ 12:24 pm
Not sure what to think about this one… Italy as a Slovenian province or the other way around? 😀
dr.filomena said,
October 17, 2007 @ 12:32 pm
Now that you mention it, I see Slovenia depictioned as the fulcrum around which Italy pivots. With considerable leverage, I might add.
Humm, way too many technical expressions there. I’m sure I messed up somewhere along the line 😉 but hope the point came across…
buba švabe said,
October 17, 2007 @ 12:55 pm
There should be a little bit more blue and a little less yellow in that picture. :-X
Btw, Michael already wrote about this a couple weeks ago. 😉
Adriaan said,
October 17, 2007 @ 12:57 pm
Tricky one.
Personally I rather like the Slovenia/Italy idea, but then I’m a “foreigner”. As someone who lives in London, when I mention Slovenia many people regretfully don’t have a firm idea where it is (or what is has to offer).
They’ve probably heard of it (or are confusing it with Slovakia unfortunately) but know little more than that.Such a logo, though it hinges on using Italy as an identifiable region, would therefore be VERY informative to them.
Now that’s obviously down to their ignorance, but if you’re attempting to enlighten people, you may have to start from a fairly basic level.
While no-one likes to be an appendage to, or be in the shadow of, someone/something else (ask the Irish about that!), it must be a good thing to inform them on some level!
To use a retail analogy, the hard part is getting them through the door: Once they’re in, you’ve got them at your mercy!
dr.filomena said,
October 17, 2007 @ 1:54 pm
@Buba Švabe: Yellar, eh? Funny thing about this is that I thought… humm, I’ll be posting something “Michael Manske’s style” this time. Ha!
@Adriaan: I look forward to the day Italy will be rebranding by schlepping itself on Slovenia’s highly recognizable image 🙂 No mercy…
Adriaan said,
October 17, 2007 @ 4:45 pm
Ask yourself this. Would you really like the outline of your country to resemble an old boot?
I think you’re (more than) fine as you are.
Binula said,
October 17, 2007 @ 8:51 pm
Slovenia is a wonderful country with so many historic symbols and doesn’t need a logo.
Adriaan said,
October 17, 2007 @ 10:41 pm
I completely agree that Slovenia is a wonderful country, but if it wants to promote itself internationally, I think it does need a brand or logo or slogan.
It might be crass (or it might not) but in this modern world of ours such things seem to be necessary to gain profile. It would be lovely to think that a simple “Slovenia is fantastic, why not come and visit?” would suffice, unfortunately I don’t think that will be enough.
Dr. ARF said,
October 18, 2007 @ 1:32 am
Probably doesn’t count for much, but for over five years now, all I can think about when leaving Slovenija is when I’ll be able to get back. Not even Janez Jansa can stop me believing Slovenija is a fantastic country. It should indeed be that simple, Adriaan…
Adriaan said,
October 18, 2007 @ 11:25 am
Dr. Arf.
I completely concur, but to have that belief it seems you have to go there (or already live there) to appreciate the fact.
Which is surely the point of having a logo or brand!
dr.filomena said,
October 18, 2007 @ 12:05 pm
@Adriaan: I agree we could use a nice brand or logo, but we have several motifs to choose from and really no need to include another country in it. Can you imagine advertising Ireland as “the place that’s close to the UK”? Yikes!
@Colleague ARF: you guys are always welcome here as you know 😉 and we’ll handle JJ, too.
@Binula: Yep, Slovenia’s the one and only and simply the best 😉 But we need a bigger cut of the tourism market… though we should also be picky about its structure… right?
Adriaan said,
October 18, 2007 @ 1:06 pm
Dr Fil,
I very much take your point about Ireland/UK (indeed I touched on it in my original post), but nonetheless Slovenia still has the problem, at least from a UK perspective, of “Where is it?” and such a logo would at least provide some sort of solution.
Obviously that’s due to our ignorance, but we need to be educated somehow if we’re going to travel in increased numbers.
Which might not be a good idea (for Slovenia!).
dr.filomena said,
October 18, 2007 @ 2:58 pm
@Adriaan: Right, you did mention Ireland… About the closing line in your comment: It’s not just about the number of people travelling here, it’s their ‘quality’.
Adriaan said,
October 18, 2007 @ 3:09 pm
Dr. Fil,
“Slovenia for the Discerning” should do it!
BTW if your really want to upset a nation, try telling Scots that they’re part of ENGLAND, a mistake often made by Americans and on BBC radio phone-ins, and watch the fur fly.
dr.filomena said,
October 18, 2007 @ 3:20 pm
Adriaan, here comes my suggestion:
Slovenia: the Hidden Pearl
revealed only to the worthy
are you worthy of finding it?
Adriaan said,
October 18, 2007 @ 5:58 pm
Dr Fil,
I likes it!
How about “The Jewel in Europe’s crown”, if we’re coming up with suggestions!
Bit fanciful, I know.
pengovsky said,
October 18, 2007 @ 8:56 pm
How about: Slovenia. For the initiated.
dr.filomena said,
October 19, 2007 @ 2:20 pm
@Adriaan: humm, we’re not all that big on crowns in this country, see 😉
@P: Love it!