Pumpkin Soup – the 1002nd way of doing it
Not really sure if this is due to it being October, a slight case of nostalgia for a certain very hot pumpkin soup I recently had, being sick and my body crying out for extra vitamins or just the fact that my heart skipped a beat when I saw an irresistibly orange slice sitting invitingly all alone in the front row of our store’s vegetable stand, but I decided on pumpkin soup for dinner.
Having done some web research I found that there must be as many ways of preparing this dish as there are cooks in the world. Subtract those who stick to the best recipe devised by one of their maternal-line ancestors. At least, everyone seems to agree that the end result is delicious and healthy. Apparently, pumpkin is a good source of vitamins and minerals, particularly beta-carotene, vitamin C, and potassium and helps prevent arterosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which can lead to strokes and/or heart attacks.
I don’t know about any of that, I just know that Lisa still owes me her own best recipe and that I wanted pumpkin soup.
I simply cut it up into small pieces, added a small amount of water (an unorthodox move, I’ll get smashed for not having used soup) and let it simmer for some 20 minutes, stirring and mashing in between with a fork. Remembered that I rather like onions and garlic so chopped a shallot and two cloves of garlic and added into the pot. Simmered for a while longer, mashing the pumpkin bits more and more with that fork. Added pepper, salt and basil. Turned off the heat and added some vinegar (don’t ask… I like vinegar!) Turned out yummy! To me, at least. Then again, I was not cooking for Her Majesty. Incidentally, I do like her new horse.
Please note: this is not, I repeat, not the best pumpkin soup ever. It may not even be very good. I suppose most would like to add a potato and/or a carrot as well as sour cream or at least some milk. It did the trick for me, though. Vinegar and all. Although I must confess to having taken a sip of the walnut brandy procured at the Vianden nut festival and to having been exposed to my rediscovered grandson’s palaverous take on the Queen’s visit to Slovenia and the implications of the widely-discussed dinner reception.
alcessa said,
October 23, 2008 @ 9:34 am
Thank you!
You gave me a good idea what to do with a pumpkin that’s too small for two and too large for one… 🙂
dr.filomena said,
October 23, 2008 @ 7:29 pm
You’re most welcome! 🙂 Pa dober tek!
lili said,
October 24, 2008 @ 10:38 am
tudi mi smo danes dobili bučo v naši biokišti, župca nam ne uide. 🙂
dr. filomena said,
October 24, 2008 @ 10:43 am
v šteci sem vzela še en kos zadeve (in še enega za sestrico – skupni prednik ga je moral vzeti s seboj na avion – hand-delivered to Lj) 🙂 pa vmes sem od svoje ameriške “babice” dobila super recept za preprosto pečeno jed iz buče… tako, da se bom še malo založila in pekla.
lili… veš, da sem danes med drugim sanjala o BRINI?! ki je sploh ne poznam!!! 😀
alcessa said,
October 24, 2008 @ 3:05 pm
Dobra je bila… pa nič posebnega nisem naredila: nekaj začimbic prepražila na olju, dodala kocke buče, zalila z vodo, posolila, kuhala, dodala nekaj pireja iz vrečke (ker se mi ni dalo lupit krompirja 🙂 ) in smetano, pa je blo.
Moja stara mama dela retaše z bučami.
epruvetka said,
October 24, 2008 @ 7:19 pm
Oh kaj vse zvem iz branja tvojega bloga. Si imela obisk iz domovine, kako lepo!
Abraham Lincoln said,
October 25, 2008 @ 1:03 pm
There is a lot of things that I have not seen and even more things that I have not tasted and pumpkin soup would be high on the list. I can’t imagine I would like pumpkin soup.
Today, October 25th, is my birthday — I am 74 years old.
lili said,
October 25, 2008 @ 8:58 pm
smešno, jaz sem pa ravno včeraj zvečer nate pomislila, sem šla na en žur, mislim, da so ga organizirali madžari s komisije, pa sem tino vprašala, če prideš tudi ti, sem te želela spoznati. 🙂 baje si nekaj zbolela, tako da ti želim čimprejšnje okrevanje.
dr.filomena said,
October 26, 2008 @ 3:25 am
@epruvetka: pričakujemo tudi prihod majhne steklene cevkaste posodice za kemične
poizkuse. to bo šele lepo!! 😉
@Abe: Nice to see you again! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! While I adhere to the de gustibus principle, I wonder if you can be certain that you would not like something you have not yet tried.
@lili: hvala! na madžarski žur sem bila sicer povabljena ampak ja, po tednu slabega počutja me je dokončno podrlo. dolgotrajen spanec, podprt z litri čaja, me je očitno spravil k sebi. evo, zdaj imam tudi kolo, tako da bo še bolj zabavno… jipiii Lux, here I come 😉