Macho Land Slovenia
Recap. In December, Zoran Janković and his party Pozitivna Slovenija won the early parliamentary election. With the vote quite fragmented among the seven parties that made it into the parliament and none of the parties securing a majority on its own, the winner or the relative winner as we like to address him, began negotiations to form a coalition. He failed. Regardless of whether or not Gregor Virant, now often depicted as the Trojan horse, was set to hook up with Janez Janša from the start, the fact remains. Janković was either unable or unwilling to get his signature on the coalition treaty. Oh wait, he did get Virant to initial the document, but this was soon after interpreted as non-definitive by the not-quite-signatory who went on to sign a strikingly similar document with the runner-up of the election, Janez Janša. And the scale was tipped.
In a twist that is quite legal but slightly questionable in the legitimacy department, the runner-up whom the President of Slovenia refused to nominate due to the ongoing trial in the Patria affair, secured the majority in Parliament that will allow him to form the next Slovenian government.
I am not a feminist activist by any stretch of imagination, but while I was actually rooting for Janša & co. to take power, the team that will be proposed tomorrow leaves much to be desired. Some choices seem sound, others seem to be desperate solutions in a quest to please all the coalition partners.
I will say this: No women. Granted, a woman holds the position of a Minister, but does not actually have a ministry to run. Ljudmila Novak, Minister w/o Portfolio, will be taking care of “Slovenians Abroad”. On a side note, the Ministry of Culture is being done away with.
To put it in terms that Janša and his colleagues might understand: a Government consisting of all-male Ministers seems as much out of sync with this day and age as do cassette players. Old boys, new boys, who cares. As long as they are boys.
All things said, I do wish the macho team the best of luck for all our sakes. We shall need it.
Alcessa said,
February 3, 2012 @ 8:28 pm
For the record: I don’t want to be taken care of by Ljudmila. I’m sorry, but she’s not my ministeress.
dr.filomena said,
February 5, 2012 @ 7:31 pm
@Alcessa: I , too, sincerely doubt I will benefit much from Ljudmila in Lux.
alcessa said,
February 6, 2012 @ 11:26 am
So no female ministers for us, then. 🙂
It’s not really a man’s world, as everyone whose opinion counts knows, but we do have to pretend from time to time it is. My guess is some of us (not you and me, alas) will be received by … 7 well-endowed male virgins in heaven?
Davor said,
February 6, 2012 @ 12:09 pm
Zadnje volitve so prinesle največje število žensk v slovenskem parlamentu. Kljub temu pa prav nobena ni primerna za pomembnejšo funkcijo v državi. Res žalostno.
Protokolarno: predsednik RS – moški,
predsednik DZ – moški,
predsednik DS – moški,
predsednik vlade – moški,
predsednik US – moški,
predsednik VS – moški,
računsko sodišče – moški,
vrhovni državni tožilec – moški,
državni pravobranilec – moški,
varuhinja človekovih pravic – ženska,
predsednica državne revizijske komisije – ženska,
informacijska pooblaščenka – ženska.
Res žalostno!
alcessa said,
February 7, 2012 @ 10:34 am
Davor, vse skupaj se je začelo že prej … Na primer ko so za promocijo Naše drage domovine izbrali tisti star videospot, v katerem smo Slovenci kao ljudje (skoraj: pravzaprav smo Slovenija predvsem moški in v zelo majhnem deležu, namreč ene 15% (2 osebka) tudi ženske), ga malce spremenili, da nam še enkrat povedo: Slovenija smo moški ljudje. Ženske se v Sloveniji torej ukvarjajo izključno s prodajanjem ljubezni. No ja, majic z izrazom ljubezni do domovine. 🙁
pf said,
February 9, 2012 @ 12:11 pm
Anyone with at least a few properly functioning brain cells should know that the current economic situation is way too serious for any clarazetkinisms or other similar stupidities. In other words, the only concern of any mentally normal citizen should be the ministers’ expetise! Probably it’s not problematic as hard core communists believe that the number of women, gays, muslims, niggers, extraterrestrials, etc, etc, etc, is much more important than this.
Don’t get me wrong, personally I wouldn’t mind more capable female ministers. But let’s try to memorize women’s achievements of the Borat’s government. Katarina Kresal is “famous” for being involved in a dog abusing scandal, national investigation bureau building scandal, car smuggling scandals, problems with cocain…. and officially she was a minister of…. khmmm, what? Should we even mention a minister of cultural revolution Majda Širca. We’ll remember her desperate attempts for northkoreazation of the national TV. And for expulsion of probably the best Slovenain film director ever to Poland. The greatest “achievement” of the other two female ministers is that we won’t remember them for any particular scandal. And last but not least, here is Simona Dimic….
Noone would mind Slovenian Margaret Thatcher, Slovenian Angela Merkel or at least Slovenian Eveline Widmer Schlumpf. But face it, obviously there are just no such women. Now one might ask him/herself who’ s responsible for this. Janša or maybe communist negative selection and purges?
dr.filomena said,
February 10, 2012 @ 9:20 am
@pf: I do believe you yourself are normal. Normal being average, of course. Do take pride in the fact that you successfully miss my points and always seem to find a way to use my posts to vent what must be truly deep frustrations. What makes you average and common are your inability to read, your apparent problem with women in power and issues in the area of nationalism. Well, average and common are of absolutely no interest to me. If you ever outgrow this rather boring phase and show an interest in holding an actual debate, I will be happy to talk. Until then, this answer is as much of my time as I am willing to spend on you.
dr.filomena said,
February 10, 2012 @ 9:24 am
@Davor in @alcessa: Stanje je res zaskrbljujoče. Prihodnost je ženska, pravijo. Za nas je prihodnost še daleč.