

sushi by Mr. P, photo by dr. fil

Good food in good company. What more could one ask for?

It may be rather brave to invite a connoisseur of all things Japanese over for one’s first attempt at  the art of combining what may look like simple overcooked rice but actually isn’t with raw fish, veggies and… err… roasted seaweed into bite-size delectables, but there, I must admit it. Mr. P pulled it off.

Hats off to the chef for preparing a mouth-watering dinner to fuel the debates. Seeing as this is his very first sushi, I look forward to the next ones. And to the conversations they spark, of course.



It was so good to see Slovenian friends after a long time. The picture includes some of the highlights of the evening: salmon baked in honey mustard sauce with a walnut breadcrumb topping, double chocolate walnut brownies, mulled wine and of course a certain DJ’s music wish of the day, pineapple cake.

Thanks to all for the great company! 😀

Strength of a Woman


Today, these girls put such a big smile on my face. And they made me remember all about the ‘strength of a woman’.

Thanks and… More power to you!

Simply beautiful.

Smeh je pol zdravja 🙂

The final stretch…

…so close… slowly, but surely, straight to…


Way to go, girl!!!

I couldn’t have put it better myself, so here comes Shaggy…

Čolnarček z Ljubljanice potrebuje tvoj glas


Čolnarčkova pot je projekt Združenja staršev in otrok SEZAM, nevladne organizacije, ki skrbi za različne želje in potrebe staršev in otrok. Poleg varstva, inštrukcij ter pomoči družinam s telesno in duševno prizadetimi otroki pa je Sezam tudi inkubator, generator, spodbujevalec in promocijski center za vse nove ideje, pobude staršev, študentov in zunanjih sodelavcev, predvsem umetnikov in pedagogov.

Pod njegovim okriljem se izvaja turistični proizvod za otroke, imenovan Čolnarčkova pot. Čolnarčkovo pot, ki so jo zasnovale tri etnologinje in kulturne antropologinje, je bila podprta s strani Mestne občine Ljubljana ter Zavoda za turizem Ljubljana, sodeluje pa tudi v Banki turističnih priložnosti Slovenije.

Čolnarčkova pot je animacijski program za otroke na turistični ladjici, ki vozi po reki Ljubljanici in na inovativen način vključuje dediščino ljubljanskih čolnarjev v turistični proizvod. Otroke na plovbi po reki namesto klasičnega vodiča spremlja lik Čolnarja Matije. Med 45 minut trajajočo vožnjo čolnar Matija pripoveduje otrokom zgodbo iz ‘svojih starih čolnarskih časov’. Zgodba temelji na različnih legendah, mitih in drobcih iz življenja ljubljanskih čolnarjev ter reke Ljubljanice in se ujema z lokacijami, mimo katerih pluje ladjica z otroki. Pripoved je ponazorjena tudi s predmeti, ki so bili del čolnarskega življenja in se ves čas prilagaja zanimanju in koncentraciji otrok, ki so v pripoved tudi živo vključeni (interaktivnost). Ob pristanku dobijo otroci ilustrirano brošuro s križankami, pesmicami, kvizom in ugankami iz življenja ljubljanskih čolnarjev. Slikanica služi kot turistični spominek, hkrati pa predstavlja alternativo klasičnim učnim listom. V slikanici otroci lahko na zabaven način preverijo, kaj so si zapomnili iz plovbe po reki.

preberi več…

Zdaj pa k bistvu – Čolnarček je nominiran za nagrado Slovenske turistične organizacije Sejalec. Podporo izvirnemu projektu, ki razveseljuje otroke, medtem ko se pridno učijo o preteklosti in kulturni dediščini svojega okolja, lahko izkažete tako, da glasujete zanj.

Klikni in glasuj, s čolnarčkom zapluj!

Vegetable Musaka (Moussaka)


Vegetable Musaka

Made this for friends who do not eat meat or fish. With thanks to Binula for her tips!

Vegetable Musaka

Served 4:

Cooked eight large sliced potatoes and drained them well. Covered the ceramic pan (no grease necessary as the olive oil from the stir-fried zucchinis suffices along with the sour cream that drizzles through the potatoes and veggies) with half of the potatoe slices, salted.
Topped with three sliced stir-fried zucchinis.
The next layer were four large sliced quickly-cooked carrots. Topped that with a large aubergine, sliced, salted, grilled on the big toaster and cut into cubes. Sprinkled with some grated cheese to hold together.

Topped with another layer of the cooked potatoes and salted.

Mixed sour cream with two eggs, three large spoons of flour, salt and pepper and poured over the top.

Baked in the oven for 15 minutes at 220°C

Sprinkled with grated cheese and baked for another 5 minutes.


Vegetable Musaka

As a side: shredded a large cucumber, added yoghurt, garlic, salt, pepper, some hot pepper seeds and dill.

Bon appétit, my vegetarian friends 🙂
And Bon voyage!

Show me Your Friends


… and I’ll tell you who you are has been rephrased by Mr. P to

Tell Me Your Song And My Readers Will Know Who Your Friends Are

Definitely worth a look (and a hear)!!!

Primary Colours

I presume Lisa would have said:  sedi, pet! 😉

KUD Kulsko… ups, Dolsko


Člani Kulturnega društva Dolsko so se včeraj spet izkazali in s premierno predstavo Okrogle mize pošteno nasmejali publiko. Iznajdljiva kombinacija gledališke igre, skeča in video vložkov je vžgala. Scenarij ima kar nekaj nastavkov, ki bi mu lahko omogočili nadaljnji razvoj likov in prepletanje njihovih zgodb. Upam, da si bodo scenaristka, režiser in igralci, ki so jo sooblikovali, vzeli čas in z dobro voljo, ki je imajo v Dolskem na pretek, uprizorili razširjeno in poglobljeno različico. Jaz zagotovo pridem!

Aplavz vsem sodelujočim! Uživaška predstava, ki jo toplo priporočam vsem, predvsem tistim, ki bi se radi skladno z željami sedanje vladajoče politične opcije dodobra sprostili.

Pa še nekaj slikic za pokušino:

Okrogla miza - KUD Dolsko

Okrogla miza - KUD Dolsko

Okrogla miza - KUD Dolsko

Okrogla miza - KUD Dolsko

PS: Res mi je žal, da nisva mogla ostati na žuru, da legendarnega štrudla prav tako legendarne babice sploh ne omenjam. Delu čast in oblast, kenede?

EDIT: Več o predstavi: pri Binuli

Count on the Poušters


Yesterday, The Poušters threw one heck of a party at the Geonavtik Café. Thanks for the great time you’ve shown us, you guys!!! And to the Geonavtik team for making us feel at home. Seemed like a bit of a scene from Cheers.

If anyone is looking for the right band for a party or wedding for that matter, although the wedding-divorce ratio of their clients seems to match the general population statistics), these all-rounders (music, stand-up comedy, website programming etc.) will make a great choice. Just make sure you book them well in advance :mrgreen:

Here comes the big bad ant:

Now sing along, everyone!

BloXmas (Bložič) – was Blogacious!


Last Saturday saw an eagerly awaited event come true. Denis a.k.a. človek came up with the idea and was the driving force behind the successful organisation of a bloggers’ Xmas season party. Shunning sponsorship funds, everyone gathered at the cozy setting of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum a.k.a. SEM, bringing some food to help ease the drinks served by the museum down thirsty throats. How appropriate a location, wouldn’t you say? Ethnographic history was being made on site. (Note: part of SEM mission statement: a museum “…about people, for people”, a museum of cultural identities, the link between the past and the present, between our own and other cultures, between the natural world and civilisation…”)

Since there was supposed to be a karaoke show as well, I decided, with some encouragement, to give it a go for the first time with “These Boots Were Made for Walking”. I even dressed… I mean… booted (?) for the occasion. Unfortunately for me, but fortunately for the rest of the gang, Mr. Mojo forgot to bring my song. He (or whoever the saviour of blogger ears and possibly eyes may have been) is forgiven, however, especially since it turns out that I actually know mojo man from work-related ‘real life’.

Somehow, I managed to miss out on the karaoke performances of others and I am sorry for that although not sorry to have enjoyed interesting conversations with The Smokers in the plastic tent outside in the mean time (note: reference to the anti-smoking legislation).

I must say I never expected a bloggers’ party to be a place to reconnect with old schoolmates, either. Especially not ones from elementary school! (Yep, happened.)

Anyway, it was way cool to have seen the guys I’d met before at Pr’Skelet, reconnected with several people I’d not seen in a long time (and had no idea they were blogging) and met a bunch of new interesting people. Oh, and not to forget… thanks to Sigi at the bar! Even though they were officially not available, she made me as many caipirinhas as possible (i.e. limited by the number of limes available. They sufficed, thank you very much, and gave Seks a glimpse of the cocktail world.

When I hear music, I can’t help but move… and although I was slightly disappointed by the number of people who ventured out on the dance floor. But hey, the ones who did warm up to the beat sure did move 🙂 You girls and guys know who you are… 😈

I’m sure I’ll mess up by forgetting to mention a blogger pal, so I apologize in advance and blame it on my swiss-cheese memory. Heya, my long-lost grandson (we’ll have to talk about your drinking and sexual orientation someday, but granny loves you anyway and the talk can wait till after the holiday season), my favourite person from Krško who makes yummy rum-coconut-chocolate balls, the most blogestest couple in the room as far as I’m concerned who brought us a homemade blogelicious humongous chocolate jaffa cake. Burn, baby burn!

Morska is officially joining the witch club Binula and I had started a few centuries ago. Provided that Kobrowsky doesn’t wrap her in special plastic foil first.

Sunshine & Mitja, I enjoyed meeting the other half, especially since he comes from the best high school ever. I am keeping my fingers crossed that all your plans come to realization. Šuši, I remember! Yup, upside down, too.

Cheers, Chef (you can move!), Boštjan, Eirene, Saša (way cool to have come! and loved your smiles), Big Bad Wolf (so much younger and not as sharp-toothed as one would have presumed), Mojca the sunny one, Cyco the designer, Fotoholik (found your blog)… Hey Kašpar if Fetalij is my grandkid, I could always make you my great great great great grandson. MachineMan, we have to talk about the clubbing scene in Ljubljana… probably will come see you this week.

I think I noticed Pengovsky carrying on a political debate in a dark back corner of the room. A rather heated debate. Ok so it may have been on sex after all.

Again, thanks to all for a fun fun fun night. I was shocked to see it was 3.30 when leaving… Seemed more like pumpkin time to me.

Some photo material:

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

BloXmas Party

OK so admittedly I was more focused on the quality of the caipirinhas than that of the photos. I knew I could count on the other 75 cameras in the room to take better pics anyway 🙂

Človek, you da man!

Blog on!

Name That Handshake


Special Handshake

Anyone care to venture a guess? Shoot! Shake! 😀

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