Like most kids I always loved four-legged furry animals, especially dogs (with apologies to my purring flatmates). My wish came true in an unexpected way as it seemed it wasn’t me who got the dog but the other way around.
I found Chica on one of my rides into the woods on horseback. She’d been dumped along with her sister as a two-month old puppy. The little daredevil picked up the sister, jumped into my arms and took me safely back home, never looking back. She immediately fell in love with my cats and later on played auntie to the Persian kittens.
Since Chica learned really fast, we took up agility and went on to win the national Royal Canin Cup and place second in the Slovenian Championships in our first season. We then graduated to higher categories and kept doing well, alas we could not go to the World Championship because she did not have a pedigree (way uncool, FCI!)
I lost Chica much too soon due to a genetic problem. She came in second in a very competitive trial just a few weeks before, when she must have been in terrible pain already. She acted strange which I thought was due to the heat, but when she started the course, she was flying as usual and gave it all she had. Literally. What a special creature.
Here are some ‘sounds of Chica’:
Chica barks
Chica at tug-o-war
bored Chica
This was her song.
In agility, the dog and the handler work hand in paw. The dog clears jumps, braves tunnels, crosses dog-walks, jumps on tables and stays, sits or lays down for five seconds, etc. To be successful, which means accurate and fast, the dog must have the necessary drive and trust the handler. There is no force involved – just two partners having fun. I warmly recommend this sport to everyone with canine pals. The people involved with agility are a great bunch and you’ll get some exercise and fresh air while enjoying good company.
Buba said,
August 8, 2007 @ 8:48 am
Awwwwwwwww, how cute… 🙂
Je že dolgo, kar je ni več? Boga Chica… 🙁
julia said,
August 8, 2007 @ 9:00 am
Love these terriers and she was precious for I never see many of them at all.
dr. filomena said,
August 8, 2007 @ 9:56 am
Saj ne morem verjeti, ampak… 7 let.
Mayhem said,
August 8, 2007 @ 10:52 am
Kak kjut kužek…
Morska said,
August 8, 2007 @ 11:39 am
Najlepša scena, ki jo imam v spominu na “našega” Medota je, ko je sosedov mali deček priletel do njega in se ga kljub njegovi veličini sploh ni bal. Meni se je kar srce ustavilo, ko je stal pred njim, ga z obema rokama prijel za glavo, ki je bila enako velika kot njegova in celo na večji nadmorski višini, in mu dal lubčka na gobček. Cucek pa nič. Ko sem prišla k sebi in si zavrtela film nazaj, sem se skor stopila 🙂
Abraham Lincoln said,
August 8, 2007 @ 12:21 pm
I hope you don’t mind but after reading this post about Chica, I have dropped a link off here and there on my rounds, telling people to come over and read this post.
I also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and for your comments there.
I love dogs. We just lost our Autumn Eve last September 11th and I still miss her. She was a great companion to me and we walked every morning. Now it is a lonely trip.
Thanks again. Your story touched my heart in many ways today. Thanks for that.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Jules said,
August 8, 2007 @ 1:09 pm
Sometimes someone special comes into our lives for just a short time but they make such an impact on our lives we are never the same!!! Dogs are like that aren’t they?? They only ask for our love and give it back three-fold. We just couldn’t be without them.
It was nice to meet you Chica!!!
Steve Buser said,
August 8, 2007 @ 1:17 pm
A very touching story. She looks far cuter than many of the pedigree dogs.
–steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
Lavenderlady said,
August 8, 2007 @ 6:21 pm
I am sorry for your loss.
Sunshine said,
August 8, 2007 @ 10:37 pm
Matr vola, tudi od srti moje Tare je že 7 let. Kako jo pogrešam!!! In kaj bi dala za kužata namesto asocialne mačke, ki se sprehaja po našem stanovanju. 🙂
dr. filomena said,
August 9, 2007 @ 7:32 am
mayhem, hvala
morska… sreča na vrvici? 🙂
Abraham: Thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry for your loss of Autumn Eve who I’m sure brought many happy moments into your life. Thank you also for invitings people to stop by here.
Jules… so true. Thank you.
Steve… thank you. She was the best dog in the world. And I’m sure every dog-loving household has at least one of those.
Lavendarlady… thank you. It was a while ago, but I do miss her.
Sunshine… moje mačke so zelo socialne 🙂 ampak komunicirajo na drugem nivoju…
Dr. Filomena » Kitchen Project - Wild Ride Way Past 8 Seconds said,
November 7, 2007 @ 3:52 pm
[…] However. The walls in my home have always been taken care of by a friend I’ve made during my agility days. Iztok is somewhat of an artist and an exceedingly thorough man. Unfortunately, he hurt a leg […]
Catharina said,
January 27, 2009 @ 11:36 pm
Chica looks absolutely gorgeous – and as you said, dogs with a beard are just simply irresistable!! I can understand that you are missingher, even if it now has to be some time ago…..