The past two weeks have been a wild ride for dr. filomena, hence the absence of postings. My life is never boring, but recently it may have reached certain records. Running 12 km around Lake Bohinj (yep!), very busy at work closing a couple of difficult real estate deals, translating a set of contracts and a catalogue of cosmetic products, going to opera and concerts, trying to fit in some quality relaxation time and now for the cherry on the top, the project of expanding the kitchen onto the balcony has just begun. Enjoy some ‘real time’ footage ๐Ÿ™‚ taken for a before&after.

original state minus sliding glass

divider wall out

new windows in

radiator waiting for the next step of remodelling

essential tools for ensuring a job well done

…more to follow.. hopefully the project will be finished in a few weeks? ๐Ÿ˜‰