When He Cooks
Ok ok so like I said the kitchen remodelling’s not finished yet and still no fresh paint job. Does not affect the food being served, though 🙂 Adriaan, I know… I know… but like I said, you’re welcome to join us for dinner 🙂
EDIT: This quote seems appropriate 😉
I find that principles have no real force except when one is well fed.
-Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)
So you see Adriaan, it’s all about maintaining rock-steady principles.
Adriaan said,
October 8, 2007 @ 11:58 am
Dr Filomena, this is just too much.
Not only did I forget to bring lunch to work today (and am unlikely to get out to get some) but you torment me further with a bottle of fabulous Rioja!
You see with some lovely Rioja inside me my principles become firmer, but without I’m just a wavering fool.
As you might know.
Quint&arantino said,
October 8, 2007 @ 6:40 pm
We want the recipe…
dr. filomena said,
October 8, 2007 @ 7:30 pm
@Adriaan: You seem just fine without the Rioja so can’t wait to serve some to you and observe the change 🙂
@Quint: Let’s see if *he* will share it… 🙂
oldmanlincoln said,
October 8, 2007 @ 8:27 pm
It really does look good enough to eat. I like the post and photos.
Moi said,
October 8, 2007 @ 9:49 pm
haha……Only Mark Twain can get away with that statement 😀
dr. filomena said,
October 9, 2007 @ 6:29 pm
@Abe: Thanks!
@Moi: I beg to disagree 🙂 I’m sure everyone’s heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs… Self-actualization comes way after food 🙂
When HE cooks « moosings said,
November 11, 2007 @ 5:25 pm
[…] did feel challenged by Dr. Filomena’s post bearing the same title, though she obviously didn’t plan it for someone to react this way […]