Just a few photos from the opening of the Technology Park Ljubljana in December 2007 as correcty determined by Fotoholik in response to my “guess where” post.

I must say the opening ceremony was impressive and done in style. Way to go, Technology Park and the City of Ljubljana! This is exactly the type of an environment we need to secure for the future development of the country. The park’s vision is to become an internationally recognised support environment and commercial centre for the flourishing of globally competitive innovative technological entrepreneurship by ensuring a top-quality business support environment for the transfer of research findings and innovative commercial ideas to successful and internationally competitive technological entrepreneurship.

A new quiz might be in order: how many of the people in the pics do you recognize? 😀 Let’s see some names along with their titles… Fotoholik has yet to claim his free drink :mrgreen:

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana

Tehnološki park Ljubljana