Day of Youth – Dan mladih
We’re ready to roll!
Come join us tonight in Bericevo (Kmetski dom) for the day of youth celebration.
and last but not least
Slon in Sadez
We’re ready to roll!
Come join us tonight in Bericevo (Kmetski dom) for the day of youth celebration.
and last but not least
Slon in Sadez
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Binula said,
May 25, 2008 @ 9:51 pm
Lepo da sta prišli!!! 🙂
dr.filomena said,
May 26, 2008 @ 8:13 am
Bilo je super! Kapo dol KUDu Dolsko za še en odlično organiziran in dobro obiskan dogodek.
Dobra družba, zanimiv intermezzo nenavdušencev nad naravnimi kadili, super glasba… s kolegico, magistro Tepavredi, sva priložnost izkoristili tudi za ogled razdelilne transformatorske postaje Beričevo. V znanju je moč 😉
(Moč je v sadju, je rekel slon in hrustnil banano.)